20+ Years Experience

Specialist Cocaine Addiction Help

Meet The Team

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Hayley Jones – Addiction Counsellor

With a compassionate and empathetic approach, Hayley Jones brings years of experience as an addiction counsellor.

She holds a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and specialises in cognitive-behavioural therapy and relapse prevention. Hayley is dedicated to helping individuals overcome addiction and empowering them to lead fulfilling, drug-free lives.

Megan Scott – Registered Nurse

Megan Scott is a registered nurse with a deep passion for supporting individuals on their journey to recovery.

With a strong background in addiction and mental health nursing, Megan provides expert care during detoxification and treatment. She ensures the physical well-being of clients while delivering compassionate support and education.

Jacob O’Brien – Case Manager

As a dedicated case manager, Jacob O’Brien plays a crucial role in assessing client’s needs and coordinating their treatment journey.

With a bachelor’s degree in social work, Jacob brings a wealth of knowledge in developing individualized care plans and connecting clients with relevant resources. He is committed to advocating for clients’ rights and supporting their overall well-being.

Carol Bennett – Therapist

Carol Bennett is a skilled therapist specialising in addiction and family therapy. With her extensive experience and master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, Carol guides individuals and their loved ones through the recovery process.

She believes in the power of healing the family system to support long-lasting sobriety and personal growth.

Jack Harrison – Support Staff

As an integral part of the Cocaine Addiction Help team, Jack Harrison provides essential support to ensure the smooth functioning of our facility.

With excellent organisational and communication skills, Jack assists with administrative tasks, scheduling appointments, and maintaining a welcoming environment for clients. His dedication and professionalism contribute to the overall success of our programs.

At Cocaine Addiction Help, our team of professionals is committed to providing comprehensive care, support, and guidance to individuals and families affected by cocaine addiction.

We work collaboratively to create a compassionate and empowering environment, helping individuals overcome challenges and achieve lasting recovery.

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